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UCG’s Construction Manager Jamie Wakelam oversees the survey and construction of our projects in the Pacific Islands and Jamie has just completed a very successful 2 and a half week stint in the nation of Kiribati. Kiribati is about 3,300 kilometres northeast of Fiji and is incredibly remote. UCG is thrilled to be involved in this World Bank sponsored project which shall ultimately deliver high speed internet services to the incredible people of Kiribati.

During his trip Jamie and a local team surveyed the existing telecommunications infrastructure and the associated civil assets to start planning how the fibre optic network can be designed and subsequently constructed. UCG’s talented technical solution specialists and designers are on standby in Auckland, Brisbane and the Philippines to commence the detailed designs. The project outcomes shall be life changing for the community, the first phase of construction will deliver much improved telecommunication services to Kiribati’s government buildings, schools and businesses in the main street. The second phase will deliver services to virtually all buildings including residential dwellings throughout Kiribati.

Jamie’s most memorable part of his island visit was his early morning walks where he would share his English Slang with the local children which they found very entertaining. In return they taught him some words of their native language such as Mauri (hello) and Iraua Boona (how much?)

UCG looks forward to working with its partners to complete this important project for the people of Kiribati.